Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dreamweaver Chapter 3

Page Layout- Process of arranging the text, images and other elements on the page. I would use this to arrange the stuff on my page.
Header- Located at top of page, contains logos, images or text that identifies the Web site. I would use this to put stuff at the top of the page I am creating.

Footer- Provides hyperlinks for contact information and navigational controls. I would use this to put hyperlinks and stuff.

Standard Mode- Table presented as a grid of rows and columns. I would use this to create tables.

Layout Mode- You can draw, resize, and move boxes to create tables. I would use this to create custom tables.

Cell Padding- Amount of space between cells. I would use this actually no I wouldn't because I can't use it because its a term.

Cell Spacing- Amount of space between cells. I would use this actually no I wouldn't because I can't use it because its a term.

Pixels- A tiny little square, makes up the images on a computer screen. I can't really use a pixel.

No Wrap- The table will expand to accomidate the text if on and there is no more space in a cell. I would use this to make cells fit all the text I need.

Hexadecimal number- Positonal numeral system with a radix, or base, of 16. I would use this to postion stuff.

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