Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dreamweaver Chapter 2

Home page- The main page of a site and the first one you would see when you type in the address.
I would use it to get to different parts of a website from it.

Root directory- The main directory of a disk. I would use this to help me get to where I want to go in a file.

Assets panel- Helps you manage and organize your Web site's assets. I would use this to help me manage and organize my Web site's assets.

Invisible Element Marker- Shows the location of an inserted image within the HTML code. I would use this to show me the location of an inserted image within the HTML code.

Property Inspector- displays settings for the selected object's properties or attributes. I would use this to change settings for stuff.

Cropping- Lets you edit an image by reducing the area of the image and allows you to eliminate unwanted or distracting portions of the image. I would use this to edit images.

Optimization- The process of compressing and setting display options for Web graphics. I would use this to compress and choose the display options for Web graphics.

Absolute Link- Provides the complete URL of the document

External Link- Same as absolute link but just a different name.

Relative Link- used for local links

Named Anchor- Lets the user link to a specific location within a document. I would use this to link to a specific location within a document.

Design View-  The book says we have been using only design view. It shows you basically what it will look like. I would use this to preview my webpage as I'm creating it.

Code View- As you automatically type on Dreamweaver, it creates the code. Code view is like what you see when you make an HTML webpage in Notepad. I would use this to see the code of my webpage.

Split View- This allows you to see design view and code view at the same time on one screen. I would use this to see the design view and code view at the same time.

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