Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dreamweaver Chapter 2

Home page- The main page of a site and the first one you would see when you type in the address.
I would use it to get to different parts of a website from it.

Root directory- The main directory of a disk. I would use this to help me get to where I want to go in a file.

Assets panel- Helps you manage and organize your Web site's assets. I would use this to help me manage and organize my Web site's assets.

Invisible Element Marker- Shows the location of an inserted image within the HTML code. I would use this to show me the location of an inserted image within the HTML code.

Property Inspector- displays settings for the selected object's properties or attributes. I would use this to change settings for stuff.

Cropping- Lets you edit an image by reducing the area of the image and allows you to eliminate unwanted or distracting portions of the image. I would use this to edit images.

Optimization- The process of compressing and setting display options for Web graphics. I would use this to compress and choose the display options for Web graphics.

Absolute Link- Provides the complete URL of the document

External Link- Same as absolute link but just a different name.

Relative Link- used for local links

Named Anchor- Lets the user link to a specific location within a document. I would use this to link to a specific location within a document.

Design View-  The book says we have been using only design view. It shows you basically what it will look like. I would use this to preview my webpage as I'm creating it.

Code View- As you automatically type on Dreamweaver, it creates the code. Code view is like what you see when you make an HTML webpage in Notepad. I would use this to see the code of my webpage.

Split View- This allows you to see design view and code view at the same time on one screen. I would use this to see the design view and code view at the same time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Web Standards

It is important to develop websites that comply with web standards because if you don't, it is likely people won't be able to access your website.

The reasons why I think web standards are important are because if you don't follow them people probably won't be able to access your website, they are standards for the web so you should probably follow them when making websites, you could end up with a bunch of problems if you don't follow them in the first place, it would be faster to just use them, and lastly you won't have to worry about your website not displaying the right way.

HTML focuses on the content of a webpage, CSS, focuses on the display of a webpage, XML is a markup language used to create other markup languages, and XHTML is a rewrite of HTML as an XML language.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dreamweaver Chapter 1

Dreamweaver is a powerful tool people can use to make good websties and it also allows a lot of customization. Dreamweaver can create professional-looking web pages.

Screen resolution-Number of pixels in the width and height of a computer screen. A higher resolution makes the picture look a lot better but the objects on the screen are a lot smaller.

Property inspector-displays settings for the selected object's properties or attributes.

Insert bar-allows easy and fast access for frequently used commands. I would use this to speed things up.

Title bar-displays the application name

Panel groups-sets of related panels docked together below one heading

Status bar-provides information about the document you are creating displays the following things; tag, select tool, hand tool, zoom tool, set magnification, window size, and estimated document size and download time. I would use these to help me.

Menu bar- displays the Dreamweaver menu names and each menu shows a list of commands you can use to perform tasks such as open, save, modify, preview, and insert data into your webpage. I would use this to pretty much use Dreamweaver since it has everything.

Line break-to start a new single line without a blank line of space between paragraphs

Color picker-picks color for the page or text. I would use this to pick the color of the backround and text.

Eye dropper-lets you select color to make a perfect match. I would use this to pick a special color I want.

Web page title-the title of a webpage

Monday, January 3, 2011

3 Goals for This Semester

One personal goal I have for this semester is to pay closer attention in all my classes so I learn more.

A goal I have for school is to be more organized. I lose a lot of papers and stuff in my backpack and then I don't get credit because I can't find it even when I did the assignment.

My information technology goal is to work faster and harder so if we do another assignment like the pasta divine one then I can finish it. I didn't get to finish it because I kept running into problems so yeah.